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Why D Y Patil School of Medicine ,Sports & Exercise Science

Choosing where you are going to study for the next 3 to 4 years is a huge decision and one you want to make carefully. We think there are few key things that we focus on and you need to know about.

(1.) Quality Teaching
(2.) Student Satisfaction
(3.) Job Prospects
(4.) Resources
At BSES (Bachelor of Sports & Exercise Science), DYPU , we have been teaching high calibre undergraduate degrees for the last 6 years. With an annual intake of 50, we are much smaller than any other courses on campus .Everyone knows one other and we are proud of ourselves in being one of the friendliest departments in this prestigious university.

Student Council 2020-2021

Kirti Agarwal General Secretary
Kiran Ramchandani Co General Secretary
Aafra Batey Cultural Secretary
Yash Patil Deputy Cultural Secretary
Omkar Zori Academic Secretary
Daniel Jayaprakash Deputy Academic Secretary
Gandhar Gurav Technical Secretary
Jaini Gutka Deputy Technical Secretary
Aditya Sandu Sports Secretary
Bhushan Ghadge Deputy Sports Secretary