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Student Council

The Student Council is a committee supervised by the faculty and run by students. It aims to provide students with an opportunity to develop leadership, communication, and teamwork skills by organizing and carrying out activities and service projects. It promotes students’ cultural values as they work on projects and activities that seek to achieve life-related goals.

The student council is the voice of the student body, in addition to organizing activities that relate to sports, fitness, and community welfare. By offering a forum for student thoughts, interests and wishes, they help express ideas, interests, and concerns so that the entire student body, faculty, administration, and community can recognize them.

Parliamentary processes are the basis of the work of the student council. Ideas are proposed by the council, voted upon, and confirmed by the Secretaries. Any student who is interested in leadership, interpersonal actions, organizing activities or being more active in the university is welcome to participate.

Student Council 2020-2021

Kirti Agarwal General Secretary
Kiran Ramchandani Co General Secretary
Aafra Batey Cultural Secretary
Yash Patil Deputy Cultural Secretary
Omkar Zori Academic Secretary
Daniel Jayaprakash Deputy Academic Secretary
Gandhar Gurav Technical Secretary
Jaini Gutka Deputy Technical Secretary
Aditya Sandu Sports Secretary
Bhushan Ghadge Deputy Sports Secretary