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Thunder Fest

On 22nd and 23rd June 2022 the Student Council of the Department of Sports and Exercise Sciences hosted “Thunder Fest”- a multisport interdepartmental event at Tendulkar Middlesex Academy, Navi Mumbai, from 9:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.

The purpose of this event was to help the council gain experience of organizing multiple sporting competitions on the same day and raise greater awareness of the science behind sports.

Sports Played During Event

Day 1: 22nd June
• The event began with our host Mr. Divyansh Dwivedi who welcomed all the teams present and explained the rules, guidelines, game details and the schedule for the day.
• Our first sport for the day was Basketball refereed by Ms. Aafra Batey and Mr. Aniket Shankar. The winner of the Basketball finals was a team from our own department known as the “Deathly Hoopers.”
• Our second sport was Tug of War refereed by Ms. Aafra Batey and Mr. Tishtar Coyaji with a total of 10 teams who participated.
• Following the Tug of war competition, we had a total of 16 teams who participated in our third game for the day, Badminton Doubles; one of them was our BSES team “Spartan Strikers” made it to the finals.
• Our final sport for the day was Football with 12 teams participating. The games were refereed by a guest referee as well as Mr. Gaurav Balbudhe.

Day 2: 23rd June
• Our second day of the event began with Kho-Kho with a total of 5 teams participating. Our champions for this game were “Team Falcons” which included the BSES Batch of 2021-22.
• The 100 Meter Relay following the kho-kho tournament attracted a total of 6 teams with the “Flying Jats”, once again a team from BSES, as the first-place holders.
• Our final game for the day was the much-awaited Football finals.
• The event concluded with a prize distribution with our faculty Mr. Ashish Kumar who was present to hand over the certificates, medals and prizes to all the winning teams.
The event was a total success from start to finish. The Student Council gained valuable experience of conducting multiple sports on a large scale with a total of 270 individual participations. All participants enjoyed competing in their respective sports and gave us tremendous responses on the final day which made our event even more special.