Breaking Free: Workshop on Deaddiction

On June 19th, 2023, a compelling session unfolded at the Fourth Floor Auditorium. The spotlight was on "Deaddiction," a pressing topic that called for attention and understanding.

Dr. Neelam Gada, a luminary in the world of dentistry, took the stage with a captivating presentation titled "Tobacco Deaddiction Processes." With passion and expertise, she shed light on the grave impact of tobacco on oral health. Through an array of effective deaddiction techniques, she inspired attendees to embark on a journey toward a tobacco-free life.

Dr. Lucky S Kasat, the trailblazer, carried the momentum with his discussion on "Why Do We Pick Up Late." Delving into the depths of psychology, he dissected the intricate factors that often hinder timely intervention. His insights encouraged everyone to identify and break down these barriers, offering a roadmap to address addictive behaviors.

The session buzzed with enthusiasm, as participants engaged in dynamic discussions and seized networking opportunities. It was a testament to the institutions's unwavering commitment to cultivating a culture of learning and collaboration. Dr. Neelam Gada and Dr. Lucky S Kasat's talks emphasized the pivotal role of dental practitioners in nurturing overall well-being, motivating attendees to lead healthier, more empowered lives.