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Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Conservative Dentistry department aims to conduct CDE programmes to develop technical skills in the field of Micro endodontics and Nano technology.
Encouraging digital dexterity and research in newer areas of Dental Science thus laying a foundation for future leaders in the field.

Department Of OMFS
• To further improve the clinical development in niche areas like cosmetic surgeries, cleft surgeries and TMJ surgeries.
• To increase inter and intra university collaborations.
• To develop an integrated workflow for use of AI and 3D-planning in complex maxillofacial cases.
• To improve the research philosophy and grants received by the department.
• To further increase the publication outlay of the department.
• To add more certificate courses on the department platform.
• To Introduce newer teaching and learning methods like problem-based learning.
• Continued Integrated medical and surgical training to conform to the requirement in order to do complete justice to the scope of the branch
• Continue the use of latest world class equipment and application of newer concepts in treatment
• Continue Introducing students to literature published on all platforms and stimulate young minds to think beyond clinical practice
• Continue Guiding young

Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology
o Identify and adopt newer technologies and newer methods to impart knowledge for bringing change in teaching learning policy and effect all-around better learning outcomes.
o Establish global collaborations in the emerging areas to expand education beyond the classroom.
o Incorporate practical and project-based learning into the educational process, making it more participatory and engaging.
o Become an incubation centre for technologically advanced diagnostic facilities towards investigation of various oro-mucosal disorders – including next gen robotic operations.
o To be proactive in treating patients with a variety of oral problems by making modern treatment options available.
o To be updated with the latest technology in the field of medicine to provide holistic treatment to the patient.

Department of Orthodontics
In the past various programmes were conducted in the department of Orthodontics – 22nd National Orthodontic PG Convention 2018, Continuing Dental Education Programmes for Undergraduates and post graduates like evidence based Orthodontics by Dr Pravin Mishra, National Symposium on Research and methodology by Dr Toshniwal and Dr Pradeep Jain 2019.
In the next 5 years, the department has started its preparation for various certificate courses, Value added courses, Research works and publication work.
To obtain funds from external sources for research-based programs and to promote the future technology of relevance.

Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry
To start Centre for perinatal oral health care
To organise national conferences and post graduate conventions
To organise a national symposium
Short courses for CDE
To establish Minor OT in the Department
Faculty and student exchange programs

Department of Periodontology
• Centre for Multicentre centre Research trials at national and international level with respect to diagnostic, preventive and therapeutic levels in periodontology.
• To start PG Diploma in Periodontology.
• To disseminate knowledge through publications in peer reviewed journals with high impact factor.
• To incorporate case-based learning for the students.
• To update the knowledge and skills in advanced implantology.
Department of Prosthodontics
Sr no Name of programme Proposed year of commencement Remarks(Statutory body approval / Awaiting approval)
1 Maxillofacial geriatric clinic 2020 Awaiting approval
2 One day denture camp 2020 Statutory body approval
3 Increase PG capacity from 7 to 10 2020 Awaiting approval
4 Increase outreach centres 2021 Awaiting approval
5 Start CDE programmes in Complete dentures and Removable partial dentures 2021 Awaiting approval
6 Formulate programmes to create awareness in maxillofacial prosthodontics 2021 Awaiting approval
Department of Periodontology
• Conduct oral health awareness and treatment programs in and around Mumbai district
• Conduct research aimed to improving oral health condition and awareness of the as
• Engage with organizations and individuals towards
• Using data informatics for research in Public Health Dentistry.
• Adopting & conducting rural treatment camps for the benefit of the people staying in villages.
• Setting up the department of Public Health Dentistry so that all patients from the dental camps are directly treated in a single department and interns develop the ability to work on patients independently.
• Implementing more community level programs based on awareness and prevention on dental diseases focusing on tobacco cessation and oral cancer.
• Collaborating with IDA, ISP and other national and international bodies for projects in Public Health Dentistry.
• Post-Graduation in the subject of Public Health Dentistry
• Certificate programs in research methodology, epidemiology, ethics, legal aspects and jurisprudence, tobacco cessation, practice management, finance in dentistry