Dentistry in Case of Emergency (DICE)Dentistry in Case of Emergency (DICE)

There is lack of knowledge among general population in management of dental trauma at the site of accident. One is perplexed if their child suffers from a toothache or tooth fracture or complete knocked-out tooth. In the panic situation that arises after such an incident, it will be handy to have concise information at one’s fingertips for steps to be taken that will help in successful management.Most of these situations have to be handled immediately to increase the success of the treatment.

This app is user friendly and includes step-by-step guidance on management of dental emergencies like tooth avulsion, fractured tooth, toothache, etc; as well as certain medical emergencies.A short descriptive video on cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) has also been included.

DICE is developed using most recent guidelines published by various associations throughout the World. This mobile app includes recommendations on diet and brushing. Special features like emergency contact details, brushing clock and tele-consultation are one of a kind. There is no doubt that having this mobile application on your smartphone will help parents or guardians to handle dental emergencies efficiently.