Effects Of Posture On The Back- For Dentists And Forward Head Posture And It’s Influences On TMJ

Date: 31st January 2018
Venue: Auditorium,D.Y. Patil, School of Dentistry
Speaker: Dr. Hemakshi Basu

Practicing Physiotherapy since 1994.
Enrolled for a Post Grad Manual Therapy course at University of South Australia, Adelaide, 1997.
Founder member of the Academy of Rehab Sciences, an organization that conducts workshops to update and enhance knowledge and skills of fellow Physiotherapists.
Topic: “Effects Of Posture On The Back- For Dentists And Forward Head Posture And It’s Influences On TMJ”

1. Dentists and back problems are common in today’s
2. Changing the way one moves changes the pain– the Movement Concept is the new future ofPhysiotherapy World.
3. This lecture showed the importance of maintaining a proper posture for dentists as well as demonstrated useful exercises for dentists to prevent various joint pains.
4. For Hemakshi Basu, Physiotherapy is a branch of rehab medicine that not just adds years to your life but also adds life to your years!