Composite Restorations

Venue: Auditorium, Dr. D.Y. Patil, School of Dentistry
Speaker: Dr. Varsha Rao

Dr. Rao graduated D. Y. Patil Dental College Mumbai in 1998, and worked as a clinical assistant in the Government Dental College. She received a Post Graduate Certificate in Oral Implantology from Manipal College of Dental sciences. Dr. Varsha also has a clinical mastership in Implantology, certificate from Stony Brook University and a certificate of merit from New York University, on oral Implants and Rehabilitation. She started her private practice 17 years ago and continuously updates her knowledge by attending various workshops and lectures. She is the immediate past present of the Navi Mumbai Indian Dental Association. Topic: Composite Restorations

The biggest challenge dentists’ face in Direct Composite restorations is to understand how the use of newer material affects the longevity of their restorations. With so many materials in the market it becomes difficult to choose and use the right materials in the right way. This lecture is meant to offer solutions to the common problems faced by dentists in restorative dentistry and offer the newer aesthetic treatment options available to them so as to make restorative dentistry faster, easier and stress free with more aesthetic and long lasting restorations.