Botox in Dentistry

Venue: Auditorium, Dr. D. Y. Patil School of Dentistry
Speaker: Dr. Ritika Arora

Dr. Ritika Arora, has done her Bachelors’ degree in Dental Surgery from Delhi. After three years of Clinical practice, she embarked on a Masters’ degree in Periodontology and Oral Implantology from Dr. D.Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai. As a business entrepreneur, Dr Ritika Arora is a Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer at About Face, an International Aesthetic and Anti-Ageing Centre in Mumbai which is also affiliated to a corpus group in Singapore. She has extended her knowledge in this field by completing an International Masters course in Skin Laser therapy from Singapore and Certification in Aesthetic Medicine from Hong Kong. Dr. Arora is also a member of the American Academy of Aesthetics.
Topic: Botox in Dentistry

From the shoulders up, every aspect of the head and neck affect a person’s aesthetics and self-confidence. More specifically, the hard and soft tissues of the middle and lower third of the face contribute, to the dento-facial aesthetics. Today, dentists and cosmetic physicians are changing the manner in which they correct issues affecting dental and facial aesthetics and embracing a more comprehensive dento-facial approach. A combination of dentistry, injectable fillers and neurotoxins may be used. Botulinum Toxin is now being used for cosmetic purposes like frown lines, crows feet, forehead lines and therapeutic corrections like gummy smiles, bruxism. While derma fillers are commonly used for correction of Nasio labial folds, lips, chin, nose and cheek enhancements. Dentist are better trained and more experienced in the peri-oral and facial arena than other specialties.