Porcelain Veneers

Venue: Auditorium, Dr. D.Y.Patil, School of Dentistry
Speaker: Dr. Deepil Mehta

Credentials Dr. Mehta completed his post-graduation in Conservative, Endodontic & Esthetic Dentistry from Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College in 2010, Navi Mumbai. He has Private practice in Navi Mumbai, and is also a member of various dental associations, namely the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, IAACD, ISOI, IALD, and IC01. He has a Diplomate from The Galip Gurel Institute of Dental Excellence, where he trained extensively with Dr. Galip Gurel in the field of Porcelain Veneers. Dr. Mehta has also trained with Dr. Christian Coachman for Digital smile design. He has a diplomate in Laser Dentistry from Aachen University and numerous national and international publications to his name.

Topic: Porcelain Veneers

Abstract In today’s’ day and age, looking good and presentable plays a very important role not only socially or romantically, but financially as well. There are enough studies showing that men and women with a presentable personality and appearance get better job prospective than unkempt and shabby looking men and women. And when it comes to a pleasing personality, smile plays a very big role! This lecture throws light on the principles of smile design and minimally invasive techniques to improve one’s smile, with the help of biomimetic Porcelain veneers! It also throws light on the importance of magnification and how you can treat only what you can see!