Oral Medicine and Radiology 2022

Oral medicine and radiology day is marked on the 24 th of April every year. D Y Patil University School of dentistry had scheduled the celebration of the day on 27 th April 2022.
This day marks celebrating the magnanimity and the multi-facets of Oral Medicine and Radiology specialist. To celebrate the day, the department had organized a lecture on “Artificial Intelligence” by our alumni Dr. Sunanda Bhatnagar- Associate Professor at Terna Dental College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai. Dr. Sunanda gave insight into the technical aspects of AI and its various applications in Medicine and Dentistry. The lecture was attended by undergraduate and post graduate students of all the departments and faculty members. A total of 100 attendees were present for the talk. The talk was very well appreciated by the attendees and there was a well received question and answer session at the end of the session.
The department had also arranged a video making competition, rangoli competition and slogan competition. The theme for the various competitions was as follows.
Video Making Competition – “ Motivation towards Tobacco Cessation”
Slogan Competition – “Awareness on Oral Cancer”
Rangoli competition – “Importance of Oral Medicine and Radiology”
We received a fabulous response from undergraduate and post graduate students for the above mentioned competition.
11 videos were submitted by third year BDS students, of which three best videos won the awards.
20 students participated in slogan competition of which three best slogans were awarded the best slogans.
Group of two students each participated in rangoli competition. A total of 7 rangolis were created. Of which three won the awards.