LifeFirst Tobacco Cessation Training Program

The Department of Public Health Dentistry and The Department of Oral Medicine Diagnosis and Radiology, D. Y. Patil deemed to be University – School of Dentistry, Navi Mumbai organized the "LifeFirst Tobacco Cessation Training Program" on 21 st June 2022, for the Young and Aspiring students of the institute. The workshop was attended 80 delegate participants which was an amalgamation of the interns and post graduate students of D. Y. Patil deemed to be University – School of Dentistry, Navi Mumbai.
Dr. Dinesh Jigyasi, Dr. Ratnadeep Chawla, the external resource faculty spear headed the sessions. The training program was designed with of series of scientific lectures providing knowledge and methodology related to tobacco cessation to orient the aspiring researchers in the aspects and prospects of tobacco cessation. The objectives of the training program was successfully accomplished with the support of the Dean, Dr Gaurang Mistry and enthusiastic participation from the delegates.
An end of course evaluation was conducted by assessing the pre and post-test evaluation sheets constating of multiple-choice questions by the individual participants. Certificates were provided to the participants after completion of the feedback forms. The program successfully helped lay the foundation for tobacco cessation activities.