International Patent (Germany) for Standardization device for frontal facial photographic evaluation.

D.Y Patil University School of Dentistry, Navi Mumbai is proud to announce that Dr. Ashwini Kini, Department of Prosthodontics
Dr. Yogesh Kini, Department of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery
Dr. Gaurang Mistry, Department of Prosthodontics
Dr. Omkar Shetty, Department of Prosthodontics
have secured a valuable International Patent (Germany) on a novel idea of a Standardization device for frontal facial photographic evaluation.
Facial photographs are invaluable tools in documentation used by researchers across the spectrum of research and treatment planning.
Different types of facial photographs provide the researcher and the clinician with valuable inputs pertaining to the research and the treatment objectives. For anthropometric measurements of the face various software can be used, however, during the generation of the photographs maintaining standardization in different subjects and in all the planes can be difficult. This instrument was designed in our workshop.
This invention tries to make a standardized photograph of different subjects to make the transition to the software. Also this instrument will bridge the gap and application curve of digital photographs and software use for predictable and reproducible outcome of treatment procedures and make the analysis stage seamless.