Main Content

Function of the Committee

The main functions of the Research Committee are:
1 To formulate policy on all research related matters which impact on the strategic objectives of the College.
2 To consider and make recommendations on matters of policy relating to research including matters referred to it by Council and other College committees.
3 To review and oversee the implementation on College’s policy on research ethics.
4 To monitor, primarily through the feedback mechanism of the Research Forum, the relevance and efficacy of established policy – addressing shortcomings and anomalies so as to facilitate high quality research activities within the College structures.
5 To oversee quality assurance and improvement measures in respect of research activity, including the efficacy of research quality measures.
6 To advise the Dean of Research in his role in reporting internally and externally on research and related matters.
7 To review Annual Reports relating to research matters and to make recommendations to Council.
8 To approve procedures for allocating research funds and monitor their implementation.