International Women’s Day Celebration at School of Dentistry

To mark the occasion of International Women’s Day, an event was organized at the DY. Patil Deemed to be University- School of Dentistry under the guidance of Dr.Gaurang Mistry (Dean), Dr.Mandavi Waghmare (Head of Department, Oral Medicine, and Radiology), and Dr.Sumita Bhagwat (Professor, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics). The event commenced by the lighting of the lamp by all the senior professors followed by a presentation by Dr.Sumita Bhagwat to create awareness amongst all women regarding Breast Cancer, named the “Pink Project”. The “Pink Project” is an initiative by Dr. Bhagwat to spread information and awareness regarding the importance of early and regular screening for breast cancer detection. Several other activities like speeches, poetry, dance, and singing performances by the teaching and non-teaching staff and interns added to the joy of the gathering. The program was a great opportunity for all the women of the institute to showcase their talent. To add to the wonderful celebration, the women were presented with roses on behalf of the Dean and other male staff of the institute. This was followed by sumptuous lunch and dessert.
Heartfelt thanks to the Chancellor, Dr.Vijay Patil Sir, and the Dean. Dr.Gaurang Mistry for providing this opportunity to celebrate this occasion by having an interactive session between the female staff and the students.