Oral Pemphigus Vulgaris

A 50-Year-old male patient, a policeman by occupation reported to the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology with the complaint of severe ulcers involving the entire oral cavity for the past 24 hours. H/O mild ulcers in the oral cavity since last two years for which the patient was on a topical medication prescribed by a private dentist. The patient gave a history of recurrent lesions which would heal on the application of, medication and recur on stoppage of the same.
However, this was the first episode of severe ulcers in the past two years which the patient developed overnight and was unable to open his mouth or even swallow water.
On examination, the right and left buccal mucosa revealed deep irregular ulcers with pseudo-membrane all over the ulcers. The lesions were present on the labial mucosa as well as the soft palate.
This patient was treated with rigorous steroid therapy over a period of two months following the concept of chronotherapy. This is the first intraoral lesion treated with the concept of CHRONOTHERAPY. the lesion healed uneventfully and the patient is asymptomatic for the past two and half years.
Innovative practices and novel treatment therapies create a benchmark and heal the patient satisfactorily.