Traumatic Fibroma involving the right labial mucosa

A female patient 28 years old reported to the Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology complaining of growth involving the lower lip. The patient noticed the growth three weeks back. She gave a history of accidental biting over the lip while having food. Which has gradually grown to the present size. The growth is asymptomatic but occasionally gets traumatized on having food or while talking thus causing bleeding.

On examination the growth was sessile, soft to fibrous on palpation and approximately 1×0.5 cm in dimension. It had a texture and color similar to the surrounding mucosa. Non tender on palpation. A provisional diagnosis of traumatic or irritational fibroma was given.

The lesion was incised by Diode laser for soft tissue excision. The surgical site healed uneventfully within 4 days and the patient had no post-operative discomfort or pain. Histopathology revealed fibrous hyperplasia, thus conforming to the clinical diagnosis of a fibroma.