5th Triple ‘O’ Conclave

D.Y. Patil Deemed to be University, School of Dentistry, is immensely proud to announce the achievement of UG students, Christina Pereira(Intern) and Zarah Tunkiwala (2nd Year) for their scientific presentations at the 5th Triple ‘O’ Conclave hosted by Pushpagiri College of Dental sciences held on 9th and 10th of March 2023.

More than 300 delegates participated in this online conference including UG's, PG's and faculties from the departments of OMR ,OMFS and OMFP

Prizes were won by

  • Zarah Tunkiwala - 1st prize for paper presentation on the topic " Forensic odontology - Truth from a tooth"
  • Christina Pereira - 2nd prize for paper presentation on the topic “Determination of sex from human dental pulp and its reliability as a tool in forensic dentistry- A fluorescent microscopic study.”

Both their studies were guided by Dr. Swati Gotmare, Professor at Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology.