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Our university is ‘Learner Centric’. We have, following the vision and guidance of our founder, in preparing the students for life and careers in a rapidly changing world. The key to this is undertaking pedagogical innovations. We have adopted innovative practices assisted by technology that has given us many options for real-time and virtual interaction through various mobile devices. Our university also has a customized learning management platform called ‘My DY’ which is an open digital online platform where students and faculty interact with one another. The students also experience learning, training, coaching, and mentoring sessions from the best, brightest, and highly qualified faculty in the University through webinars, webcasts, and video conferencing in the Virtual Classrooms.

The University uses Simulation technology which has set new standards in Education, especially in Medical Education. Medical simulation has become a supplement to ward-based bedside learning. Medical Simulation uses personnel devices and technology to mimic scenarios as observed in real patients and in various disease conditions. This helps undergraduate and postgraduate students to learn and acquire skills in diagnostic and invasive therapeutics without compromising the autonomy and safety of a real patient.

The D Y Patil University has once again risen to the occasion by adapting to the times and delivering world class education.