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Student /Faculty Achievements in 2020 – 2021

1 • Received a certificate from Qmed Knowledge Foundation for attending the online training on Information Resources and Literature Searching – 26/6/2021
• was one amongst the 4 invited members by Nursing Division, DGHS in collaboration with ECHO India to attend the Nationwide Training of Trainers for capacity building for management of children in Covid-19 Pandemic & preparedness of Nursing Professionals against 3rd Wave – 5-6/7/2021
• INC sponsored CNE with 20 credit points: 22 nd June to 29 th June from 2.00PM to 5.00PM Virtual Training Programme on Capacity building of midwifery Teachers
• Invited as a Guest Speaker for a Value added course on “Self-management and leadership for students” to speak on “Personality development and soft skills by Principal BVDU College of Nursing, Sangli on 28/6/21.
Invitation to become a part of the Nursing Apex Board for “#thank a nurse: COVID Warriors Initiative” - ANGEL Program,
  o by Ms Sangita Reddy, Joint Managing Director, Apollo Hospitals Group

• Was invited by NURSINGSOL–IIMB to speak on the following 2 topics: 1. Essential soft skills including communication, teamwork, and leadership. 2. Essential self-care for preventing and managing burnout on 12/6/2021.
• Moderated 4 sessions on:
• Insulin Devices
• COVID-19 management in Diabetic patients
• Diabetic complications and
• Hypertension management – a Nurse’s perspective
• During N-DECON; International Nursing Endocrine and Diabetic Nursing Conference on June 19-20, 2021
• Presented at the Webinar on “Guide to ECG” organized by D.Y.Patil School of Nursing, D.Y.Patil deemed to be University
• Was invited as a Resource person by Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences Deemed to be University for their State level Webinar Series on the occasion of World No tobacco Day -2021 to speak on Nursing Care of patient with Head and Neck Cancer on 10/06/2021 at 3.00 pm.
• Was nominated and inducted in Nursing Scholar Society Hall of Fame as an Honorary Lifetime Associate Member on 27/06/2021
• On 25th May 2021, CNE conducted on Mucormycosis and nursing responsibilitiesfor Nursing Incharges of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Conducted a session on Drug calculation; Infusion pump& Syringe pump on 5th,6th and 7th June 2021for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Invited to be one the technical member of the 4 members Scientific Committee of INS India on May 31, 2021, the tenure stands for two years wef 1st June 2021
• The Society for Nursing Practice – Bioleaques and SRM College of Nursing invited Dr Rita Lakhani to deliver the keynote address on ‘Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious disease during the 2nd International Conference on Nursing Science and Health care held on 21-22nd May 2021.
• Coordinated the Nurse’s Day celebration on 12th May 2021 in Pushpanjali auditorium for the entire D.Y. Patil hospital nurses, students and faculty of D.Y. Patil School of Nursing
• On behalf of INS India, was invited to the 9thAnnual INS Conference a virtual meet, held on 20th& 21stMarch 2021, as an esteemed speaker at the conference for the Panel Discussion on Future of Nursing – An Indian Perspective
• External subject expert for Research Protocol at Krishna Institute of Nursing Sciences –CON, Karad on 25th January 2021
• Went as an External Examiner for MUHSWinter Practical Examination at Samartha Nursing College Dervan on 27th January 2021and for Summer practical examination at Hinduja CON and Bombay Hospital CON on
• Invited as an Expert Judgefor Presentations in the Chemotherapy Certification Programme conducted by Tata Hospital Parel on 29th January 2021
• Invited as Key note Speaker atVibrant Nursing College and Seva-Shakti Consultancy on the topic “Current challenges of nursing education in India” on 12th October 2020
• Chairperson of the International Conferences conducted by DYPUSON onNursing theories, Mental Health First Aid and Nurse Practitioner program in India
• Stood First in National Quiz competition on world Stroke Day Organized by Apollo hospital, Indian Women Scientist Association and Dr Bindu Menon Foundation on 29th October 2020.
• Elected as the Vice President of Oncology Nurses Association of India.
• Invited as an expert, for expert’s discourse over an e-workshop for the Phase-2 of TOT project on “Promotion of mental health of healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic.” This project was funded by WHO-India. It was conducted by the Department of Nursing, NIMHANS in collaboration with the Department of Clinical Psychology, NIMHANS, WHO-India and MOHFW.
• Invited by Leelabai Thackersey College of Nursing (SNDT University) Mumbai, under the banner of Tarangan Alumni Association to speak on Hybrid learning during their International E-Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Nursing: A Hope, A Promise on November 1st, 2020.
• Invited as Guest speaker for National E Workshop on Research Methodology for Nurses organized by Krishna Nursing College, Karad on the topic, Research Question
• Presented research paper in research presentation webseries organized by Aparna Bhaduri Research Series on 19thNovember 2020.Topic presented was ‘Effect of Topical Application of Aloe Vera gel on Radiation Induced Mucosities in Head and Neck Malignancy: A Double-blind Randomized Clinical trial’
• Invited to speak on Changing nature of midwifery care in the State at 4thState level SOMI conference: Rebirth of midwifery in India: challenges faced by midwives organised over Virtual platform by MGM CON on 6th January 2021
• Conducted a session on Basic concept of genes, chromosomes, DNA – at D.Y. Patil School of Nursing, D.Y. Patil deemed to be University
• Conducted a session on Legal and ethical issues and role of Nurses at D.Y. Patil School of Nursing, D.Y. Patil deemed to be University • Conducted a session on COVID -19-Panel discussion - DYPUSON conference at D.Y. Patil School of Nursing, D.Y. Patil deemed to be University
• Conducted session on OSCE -Physical Examination for All nursing Teaching Staff of D.Y. Patil School of Nursing, D.Y. Patil deemed to be University
• Conducted session on Change management for Nursing Incharges of D.Y, Patil Hospital on 10th February 2020. • Invited as an Expert Speaker for a Talk on Dementia, organized by Royal School of Nursing, Royal Global University,Guwahati, Assam • Invited to be a panelist for Webinar on the “Nursing Practice Act in India” by Ramaiah College of Nursing on 25th September2020 • Invited as a panellist by Ramaiah Institute of Nursing Education and Research and Ramaiah Public Policy Center for a Webinar amined to obtain Feedback on the National Nursing and Midwifery Commission Bill 2020’ on November 27th, 2020
• Coordinated the training programme for DYPUSON ERC on ICMR guidelines on Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Participants, Good Clinical Practice guidelines, and New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019 • Achieved Second Rank in Paper presentation on Excess fluid volume:
Clinical Validation Of defining Characteristics in patients with CKD On Haemodialysis using Fehrings CDV Model In a selected Hospital In Mumbai, India, organized byThe Nursing Teachers Association , India (NTAI) on 3rd October 2020.
• Conducted a National Webinar in collaboration with Asian Institute of Nursing Education, Guwahati, Srimanta Shankardeva University of Health Sciences, Guwahati, on the Theme of “Understanding the agony and building emotional resilience during Covid 19 Era: The need of the Hour” . On 4thAugust, 2020, spear on the subtopic, “A gest towards the affliction faced by the community during the Covid 19 pandemic”
• Was invited to chair the session with an international speaker and 2 national speakers on Evidence based maternity care by SOMI on 27th November 2019 and for Simulation based session on PNC.
• Invited to be the Moderator and Program Coordinator of the CNRS webinar on NEP-2020: Intent implementation in nursing and its impact on 11th Septemebr 2020
• Invitation as a Resource Person for Research Methodology Course Series for Nurses sponsored by CNRS and NINE, PGI, Chandigarh , conducted sessions on “Research Hypothesis and research report” on 19th August 2020.
Dr.Rita Lakhani
2 • Conducted a sessions in the conference of Genetics:
a. Chromosomal Aberrations and mutation
b. Basic concept of genes. Chromosomes, DNA
c. Review of cell division
d. Pattern of inheritance
e. Maternal, Prenatal and Genetic influence on development of disease and defects, Genetic Test
• Participated in the Panel Discussion on COVID -19
• Completed online BLS certification course
• Conducted following sessions for nurses working in D.Y.Patil Hospital:
a. CVP monitoring and care of central venous catheter
b. Preoperative & post operative care of patients
• Achieved Certification in Good Clinical Practices Course
• Attended International E-Conference on Mental Health First Aid
• Attended International E-Conference on “Shaping the future of the Nurse Practitioner program in India: the way forward”
Ms.Mousami S. Lendhe.
3 • Member of Institution of Ethical Committee in DYPUSON
• Speaker for the topic “Inborn Error of metabolism” in Genetics Conference held at D.Y. Patil School of Nursing, D.Y. Patil deemed to be University
• Panel member in an international Conference on topic "Emerging Trends in Community Health Nursing" conducted by D.Y. Patil School of Nursing, D.Y. Patil deemed to be University
• Publication in UGC care Journals and other international journals
• Been a Part of the virtual session on the topic“Shaping the future of the Nurse Practitioner program:the way forward”
• Been a Panel member on the topic COVID -19 Highlights
• Participated in training programme on ICMR guidelines on Biomedical and Health Research Involving Human Participants, Good Clinical Practice guidelines, and New Drugs and Clinical Trials Rules, 2019.
• Been a Part of virtual session conducted by Perfect Health Mela in the topic "How do i Know my vaccine is working" by heart care foundation of India
• Been a Part of virtual session conducted by Perfect Health Mela on 22nd January 2021n in the topic "Fear of vaccination success"by heart care foundation of India
• Completed the online CNE module on infection control practices
• Completed the online CNE training module on Lung Ventilation from Hamilton medical AG
• Record of achievement in Leadership and programme management in Infection control practice conducted by WHO and health emergencies programme
• Been apart of a vitualseesion by INC on world Health Day 2021
• Online GCP module completion of certification
• Article publication on “A Systematic Review of Knowledge and Practices of Administration if Intramuscular injection by Clinical Nurses
• Evaluated free oral scientific paper presentation on International mental health conference
• Been a Part of ILTS AND RELA INSTITUTE virtual symposium the Multidispliniary approach to liver transplantation
Mrs. Shalini Abraham
4 • Conducted the webinar on “Guide to ECG”on 22nd December 2020.
• Conducted following sessions in the Genetics Conference:
a. Chromosomal Aberrations and mutation
b. Basic concept of genes. Chromosomes, DNA
c. Review of cell division
d. Pattern of inheritance
e. Maternal, Prenatal and Genetic influence on development of disease and defects, Genetic Test
• Completed online BLS course certification
• Session conducted on CVP monitoring and care of Central venous catheter for staff nurses in D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Attended the Panel Discussion on COVID -19
• International E-Conference on Mental Health First Aid
• Attended conference on “Shaping the future of the Nurse Practitioner program in India: the way forward”
Ms. Manasi M. Rahane
5 • Achieved Online Good Clinical Practices module completion certificate • Article publication on “An evaluator study to validate the defining characteristics of NANDA nursing diagnosis ‘Activity intolerance’ diagnosed amongst day 3 post operative CABG patients in selected hospital in Mumbai, India using Fehring’s CDV Model) • Coordinator for scientific paper presentation • Moderator for Panel discussion on Issues & Challenges in Community Health Nursing. • Attended Good Clinical Practices training at D.Y.Patil School of Nursing, the faculty were from Pharmacology deparment of D.Y.Patil School of Medicine • External Examiner for outer university: Bharati Vidyapeth Deemed University • Conducted session on following topics in Genetics Conference: a. Pattern of inheritance b. Session on Common behavior and social problem in Children c. Panel Discussion oncovid -19 • Evaluated free oral scientific paper presentation on International Mental Health conference conducted by D.Y. Patil deemed to be Univerity • Expert speaker for Paediatric Webinar on Congenital Heart Disease • Memebr of Organization Committee for “Shaping the future of the Nurse Practitioner program:the way forward” • Session conducted on Nursing care plan for post graduation students of D.Y. Patil School of Nursing • Article publication on Incidence and risk factors of radiation induced mucositis in patients with Head and Neck malignancy undergoing radiotherapy: an observational study in a selected hospital in Mumbai, India. Mrs. Deepa Ganesh Reddy
6 • Attended the Webinar on “Guide to ECG “ • Onducted following sessions in Genetics Conference: a. Basic concept of genes. Chromosomes, DNA b. Review of cell division c. Pattern of inheritance d. Chromosomal Aberrationsand mutation e. Maternal , Prenatal and Genetic influence on development of disease and defects f. Genetic Test g. Inborn Error of metabolism h. Blood group alleles i. Huntington`s Disease j. Gene Therapy k. Human Genomeproject and Genomic Era l. Legal and ethical issues and role of Nurses m. Session on Common behavior and social problem in Children • Attened the Panel Discussion on COVID -19 • Attended the CNE Session on Lesson Plan • Completed online course in Introduction to infection prevention and control (IPC) which has been organised by WHO • Conducted the Paediatric Webinar on Congenital Heart Disease • Session conducted on Nursing care of COVID 19 patients at D.Y.Patil Hospital • Attended the CNE for faculty on MS Powerpoint • Participated in conference, “Shaping the future of the Nurse Practitioner programme:the way forward” • Online GCP module completion certificate • Published article in Scopus on “Effectiveness of cartoon animation video on pain during venipuncture among 3-6 years old children” Mrs. Swati Chawan
7 • Online GCP module completion certificate • Coordinator for scientific paper presentation • Conducted Session on Common behaviorand social problem in Children • Panel Discussion oncovid -19 is attended • Evaluated free oral scientific paper presentation in International mental health conference • Paediatric Webinar on Congenital Heart Disease was organized • Memebr of the Organization Committee for “Shaping the future of the Nurse Practitioner program:the way forward” Mrs.Renuka Y. Bhosle
8 • Conducted a session on Blood group alleles in Genetics Conference • Conducted the Group activity in the session on Change management for nursing in-charges at D.Y. Patil Hospital • Conducted the Group activity in the session on Leadership for Nursing in-charges at D.Y. Patil Hospital • Conducted 10 Sessions on Effective Communication for all Nursing In-charges and all Staff Nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital • Attended session on Lesson Plan at D.Y.Patil School of Nursing • Conducted Interactive & Innovative Session on Responsibilities of Nurse Incharges at D.Y. Patil Hospital • Completed Post graduate Diploma in Quality Management of Hospital and Healthcare Organization of Symbiosis University with Distinction • Prepared Userfriendly Audit tools in Google forms on following parameters: a. Hand hygiene b. HAI Prevention Bundles for VAP,CLABSI,CAUTI, SSI c. Safe Infusion Practices d. Biomedical Waste Weight Measurement • Mentoring session for Ward Incharges • Prepared HAI Prevention Bundle Document: Combined document for Nurses & Doctors for Medical record template of D.Y.Patil Hospital • Attended NABH Accreditation Audit and presented "Hospital Infection Control" chapter along with HIC Comittee members • Conducted CNE for faculty on MS EXCEL. • Attended the Internation Conference on “shaping the future of the Nurse Practitioner programme :the way forward”. • Conducted CNE on Oxygen Delivery System for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital • Certificate ofAppreciation for selfless support extended to the community during the COVID 19 by D.Y. Patil Hospital • Conducted an online Session on Viral Hepatitis in view of World Hepatitis Awareness Day. • Session taken on safe infusion practice for Staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital • CNE conducted on Mucormycosisby for Faculty and staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital • CNE conducted on Hand hygiene for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital • Session on CLABSI Prevention for all staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital Mrs.Yamini A Patil
9 • Organizing member of International Conference on CHN e- Organizer for the Conference on Trends and Issues in the community Health Nursing. • Session taken on CNE on Genetics on the topic- Genetic Testing • Attended Session on Common behavior and social problem in Children • Attended Panel Discussion on COVID -19 • International Conference on Mental Health First Aid Management. Participated as Moderator and Organizer • Attended the session on Change management for nursing in-charges • Hascompleted Online Leadership and programme management in infection prevention and control course • Attended Paediatric Webinar on Congenital Heart Disease • Organizer and participant for theCNE on Computer Nursing Education. • Session Taken Microsoft world, computer short cut key, typing work and online creative making for faculty of D.Y. Patil School of Nursing • Organizer and Moderator for the international CNE on “Shaping the future of the Nurse Practitioner programme:the way forward” • Session Taken on Glucose control and Steroid drugs for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital Mr Prasad M. Kanawade
10 • Attended Paediatric Webinar on Congenital Heart Disease • Attended the E conference on shaping the future of nurse practitioner • Conducted External CNE on ISBAR Mrs. Nishasreejith Nair
11 • Attended the e-conference National E Conference in CHN • Conducted the session in webinar on “Guide to ECG “ • Organized Panel Discussion on Covid -19 • Participated in International E Workshop on Nursing Theories • Participated in International E- Conference on Mental Health First Aid • Attended the IELTS AND RELA INSTITUTE virtual symposium the Multidispliniary approach to liver transplantation • Conducted session on How to operate Infusion pump and syringe pump for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital • Conducted session on Drug calculation for staff nurses of D.Y.Patil Hospital • Was a member of Panel discussion on Viral Hepatitis in view of World hepatitis Day. • Session taken on administration of Medication through central line catheter for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital • Session conducted on CVP monitoring and care of Central venous catheter of D.Y. Patil Hospital • Completed Online GCP Module certification Ms. Ashwini Dnyaneshwar Patil
12 • Conducted the Webinar on “Guide to ECG “
• Conducted following sessions in Genetics Workshop:
a. Chromosomal Aberrations and mutation
b. Basic concept of genes. Chromosomes, DNA
c. Review of cell division
d. Pattern of inheritance
e. Maternal, Prenatal and Genetic influence on development of disease and defects, Genetic Test
• Panel Discussion on COVID -19
• Completed online BLS course on.
• Session taken on administration of Medication through central line catheter for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Session conducted on CVP monitoring and care of Central venous catheter of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Completed Online GCP Module certificationInternational E-Conference on Mental Health First Aid
• Organizing Committee member of the International E-Conference on “Shaping the future of the Nurse Practitioner program in India: the way forward”
• Achieved 2nd prize in E-Paper Presentation in CHN e-conference
• Attended "Emerging Trends in Community Health Nursing" CHN e-conference
• Conducted session Basic of pressure Ulcer for staff nurses
• ILTS &Rela Institute Virtual Symposium “The Multidisciplinary Approach to Liver Transplantation”
Mr. Aasif Babalu Bagwan
13 • Session conducted on Lecture taken on Non-Invasive Cardiac Monitoring for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Atteded e-conference “Shaping the future of the Nurse Practitioner program:the way forward”
• Following webinars attended at D.Y. Patil Hospital:
• Detecting early deterioration and escalation in Covidpatients:A to E assessment, NEWS
• CVC and arterial line care and IV fluid therapy
• Emergency medication:vasopressors,lonotrops
• Disability and exposure: neuro /GCS,glucose monitoring, Diabetic emergencies
• Sepsis care bundle:guidelines,rationale management
• Post covid19 recovery and rehabilitation
• CNE conducted for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil hospital on Insulin administration
• Journal presentation done on Mental Health Nursing at D.Y. Patil School of Nursing
Ms. Madhuri S. Dhande
14 • Session conduced on Huntington`s Disease in Genetics Conference
• Online GCP Certification
• Conducted session on Change management for nursing in-charges of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Conducted session on Leadership for Nursing in-charges of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Conducted 10 sessions on Effective Communication for Nursing In-charges and all Staff Nurses
• Attended Session on Lesson Plan at D.Y. Patil School of Nursing
• Prepared the Job Description for Neonatal Nurse and Initial assessment for Newborn baby
• Conducted session in Paediatric Webinar on Congenital Heart Disease
• Conducted Mentoring session for Ward incharges of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Attended NABH Accreditation Audit in all Pediatric Units of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Attended CNE for faculties on MS EXCEL.
• Conducted session on Guidelines on Blood Transfusion for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Prepared new Forms of Pediatric Assessment, Neonatal Infant pain assessment, Fall tool, Nursing Diagnosis, Wong Baker pain scale, Braden scale for NABH Closures
• Conducted session on ICU Flow sheet for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Achieved Certificate of Appreciation for selfless support extended to the community during the COVID 19 from D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Conducted session on Use of crash cart by for staff nurses of D.Y. Patil Hospital
• Internal audit done in all Non COVID departments of D.Y. Patil Hospital
Mrs.Anuja Saraf
15 • On session conducted on Non-Invasive Cardiac Monitoring for staff nurses of D.Y.Patil Hospital
• Attended E-Conference on “Shaping the future of the Nurse Practitioner program: the way forward”
• Attended following webinars:
a. Detecting early deterioration and escalation in COVID patients: A to E assessment, MEWS A and SBAR
b. CVC and arterial line care and IV fluid therapy
c. Emergency medication: vasopressors, Inotropes
d. Disability and exposure: neuro /GCS, glucosemonitoring,diabetic emergencies
e. Sepsis care bundle:guidelines,rationale management
Ms. Daya Desai