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A brief report of workshop on Nursing Theories

May 2, 2020 Workshops
Aim of this workshop for conducting to nursing students to understand that nursing as a unique discipline that is separate from other disciplines (e.g., medicine). It is a framework of concepts and purposes intended to guide the practice of nursing at a more concrete and specific level.
A two-half day workshop on ‘Nursing Theories’ held during October 23-24, 2019 at Pushpanjali auditorium, D.Y. Patil Hospitalorganized by D.Y. Patil school of Nursing, coordinated by Ms. Deepa Ready and Chairperson for this workshop is Prof. Dr. Rita Lakhani, Principal. The workshop inaugurated by Dr.Vijaya Baduvar, Former Dean of the D.Y. Patil Hospital and felicitated with her bouquet. Speaking on this occasion she said “If nurses keep the communicate effectively with doctors and other health care team many problems get resolved and also need to be a keen observer and provide individualized care based on their needs are essential components in nursing care.

On October 23rd 2019 the following theories were covered from 12.30pm to 5.00 pm.Ms. Sigymol Jhon, Assistant Prof. delivered a lecture on overview of nursing theories, Mr. Prasad Kanawade, Clinical Instructor, spoke on Philosophy of Nursing, Prof. Dr. Rita Lakhani presented a lecture on Nightingale’s Theory, Prof. Mankumari Mistry gave a lecture on Henderson’s Nursing definition, Ms. Deepa Reddy, Asst. Prof.dealt on Abdallah’s Typology of 21 nursing problem, Ms. Aswathy Lekha Aby, Asso. Prof. presented on Rogers’s Unitary Human Beings Model andMs. Shalini Abraham,Asso. Professor spokeon Orem’s self-care deficit theory.
The following topics of nursing theories were continued on second day from 12.30pm to 5.00pm.Ms. Ann M Thomas, Asst. Prof, delivered a lecture on Johnson’s Behavioural System Model, Ms. Anisha Mohan, Asst. Prof, spoke about King’s Goal Attainment Theory, Ms. Nisha Mane, Asst. Prof , call down for Neuman’s Systems Model, Ms. Anju Thambi, Asst. Prof. castigate on Roy’s Adaptation Model, Ms. Swati Chavan, Asst. Prof took onPeplau’s Interpersonal Relations Model, Ms. Pooja Murker, Asst. Prof. Presented a topic on Nola’s Pender’s Health Promotion Model and finally Prof. Dr. Rita Lakhani, chew out on Levine’s Conservation Model.

The beneficiaries of this workshop were 1st year Basic B.Sc. Nursing, 1st year Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing, 2nd year Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing, 1st year M. Sc. Nursing and 2nd year M.Sc. Nursing. Around 95 students were participated in the workshop.