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Management of Cardio Pulmonary Emergencies Simulation Based Workshop

April 23, 2020 Uncategorized, Workshops
A programme on “Management of Cardio Pulmonary Emergencies Simulation Based Workshop” for the faculty members of school of nursing. The resource persons were Dr.AmitKhomaneand Mrs. Priyadarsini John. Total number of participants were 17.

* To explain how to rapidly and accurately assessa variety of medical conditions related to the respiratory &cardiovascular systems in the emergency care setting.
* To describe the common presentationof medical conditions related to the respiratory & cardiovascular systems in the emergency care setting.
* To explain how to effectively managea variety of medical conditions related to the respiratory &cardiovascular systems in the emergency care setting.

The use of simulation in the field of medical education has seen rapidly growing interest in recent years. Simulation can be used to assist students in the aim of developing the ability to recognize their own limitations and knowledge. Growing evidence supports the use of simulation training as an important adjunct to clinical skills practice for medical and nursing students.The conference aimed to develop skills among the participants in anticipating care to a client with cardio pulmonary disorders and to provide and equip the participants with hands on skills in caring patient admitted with cardio pulmonary emergency.

Participants were first asked to complete a Likert-type questionnaire regarding their confidence/ self-efficacy in their abilities in managing a client with cardiopulmonary emergency. Then they were oriented to the simulation module via a verbal introduction. They were given a document outlining learning objectives for the day and descriptions of the learning stations they encountered during the module.

A standardized format of procedures was used for each simulation station. The instructor introduced the knowledge and skills to be demonstrated and practiced by each participant during their time in that particular station. The participants were then engaged in instructor-guided group practice for the skill unique to post. Skills like CPR, ET Intubation, Providing Mechanical Ventilation etc were taught in different stations. Next, the participants within their group took turns independently practicing the skill or procedure while the instructor observed. Lastly, debriefing occurred at the end of each session.

Course Outcomes: The participants gained hands on skills in managing cardiopulmonary emergencies after attending the simulation-based workshop.
At the end the instructors gave general feedback to the group, gave feedback to individuals on their performance of the skills (focusing on their strengths and any improvements that could be made), and emphasized the importance of mastery of such skills in caring for a client with cardio pulmonary emergency.