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Seminar on Behavioural disorders in children

May 2, 2020 Workshops
A Seminar on Behavioural disorders in children was organized on 24/01/2020 in the Pushpanjali Auditorium between 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. It was Coordinated by Ms. Swati Chavan & Ms. Anju Thampi under the guidance of Dr. Rita Lakhani, Principal School of Nursing. The main objectives of the seminar were to Understand the Behavioural disorders among the children group with an aim to identify children at risk for these problems so as to prevent and care for them. The Beneficiaries of the seminar were 3rd year B. B Sc. nursing 1st year & 2nd P.B. B Sc. nursing, 1st M. Sc. and 2nd M. Sc. Nursing paediatric specialty students. The resource person for the program was:

Ms. Ann Maria Thomas delivered a session on an overview of Behavioural disorders & learning disorders in children; she dealt with meaning, principles, and factors affecting Behaviour. Ms. Swati deliberated on the topic of behavioural problems in infancy and also explained about the Child Guidance Clinic.

Ms. Mankumari Mistry discussed behavioural problems in childhood Ms. Nisha Mane gave a wonderful session on behavioural problems in childhood. Ms. Yamini Patil discussed on Management of physically, mentally & socially Handicapped children. Ms. Deepa Reddy discussed behavioural problems in Adolescence.

Autistic spectrum disorders were deliberated by Mrs. Sigy John. Ms. Anju discussed ADHD. Then finally Ms. Anuja Saraf had a session on different welfare services for challenged children in India.

Ms. Swati concluded the seminar and delivered the vote of thanks.