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Vision,Mission,Goals & Objective

• The Research Committee is brought in existence to create a niche climate of support for the students at the University, broadly enabling research advances.

• For the extraordinary achievements of the students, the committee of research offers,
• Partnering with the research community to create a culture of high achievement.
• Promoting shared responsibility, the ethical conduct of research, and compliance.
• Enhancing researchers’ abilities to obtain and manage grants.
• Developing strong relationships with sponsors.
• Enhancing the ability to perform research in a global community.
• Supporting strong infrastructure for interdisciplinary research

• To provide the best ways possible for the students to excel in the field of research and development.

• The Research Committee will provide assurance (or otherwise) to the Academic Board that the Universities’ academic vision assures the quality of research and research training effectively that is inclusive of developing, monitoring, and reviewing academic policies and their effectiveness.