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The Student Council

A Council is defined as a body of people elected to manage the affairs of a city, country, or another municipal district. While a Student Council differs with regards to the body it governs, the basic principle remains. A Student Council is- as the name suggests- For the students, From the students and By the Students. It is built on the foundation of mutual respect and admiration for one’s colleagues and also the belief that a certain, impressive group of individuals have the ability to cater to the requests of the student body as well as being the spokespeople for the university authorities.

The Student Council comprises a group of ambitious, hard-working, and dedicated individuals. The student representatives of D Y Patil University, School of Medicine wish to be a body that stands for honor, and integrity while at the same time, being approachable.

The Council is made up of like-minded, yet unique students who have achieved success in avenues like arts, sports, leadership, or academics.

The Student Council aims to build a fraternity where all the students of the college can exist in a productive, collaborative, and yet lively environment while doing their part in making the college noteworthy.

View Committee Handbook of Student Council 2020