Main Content

Vision,Mission,Goals & Objective

To evolve methodical quality processes at the institute level to supervise, recommend and confirm various endeavours conducted by the institute to ensure quality in education and administration through monitoring & assessment and maintaining set standards & benchmarks.

• To advance a cognizant, reliable and dynamic quality enhancement system that facilitates the pursuits of the academic members and the students of the institute
• To facilitate novel & innovative practices to continually improve the effectiveness of the teaching-learning experiences of the academic members and the students of the institute
• To continue working incessantly towards the implementation of the plans and policies of the Management, University and the Government facilitating the process of knowledge dissemination.
• To promote a learner-centric environment through effective and efficient used of modern techniques and technologies of teaching, research and clinical practice.

For curricular aspects:
1. To continue the process of development of curriculum as per vision, mission, goals & objectives of the institution and the feedback of students on curriculum
2. To conduct regular meetings of boards of studies, co-opting experts in the field in boards of studies.
3. To up-date the methods of teaching new concepts & recent developments in field of Physiotherapy.
4. To ensure flexibility & horizontal mobility in the curriculum for restructuring the existing syllabus.
5. To continue arranging remedial & facilitatory programs for weak & extraordinary students respectively.
6. To conduct regular academic audits & get feedback on curriculum from students alumni, employers, community, academic peers, industry & parents.
7. To continue organising and encourage faculty to attend value added courses to develop skills, promote community orientation & offer career training.
For Research Consultancy & Extension:
1. To monitor the research activity of the teachers & students by research committee
2. To subscribe new and recent research journals.
3. To encourage collaborative research.
4. To encourage the faculty for platform, poster presentation in the conference & publication in national & international journals.
5. To continue with outreach program organized by the institution
For Student Support & Progression:
1. To provide support service to economically backward, differently able, overseas & backward caste & women students, such as Book bank, cell to combat sexual harassment & violence to women, availability of Students Welfare committee etc.
2. To continue the activity of academic & personal counselling for students by senior faculty through the Tutor-Ward system.