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Vision,Mission,Goals & Objective

The Grievance Redressal committee's visions are as follows:
• To provide a safe, fair and harmonious learning & working environment
• To facilitate resolution of grievances in fair & impartial manner

The missions of the Grievance Redressal are directed towards:
• Encouraging students and faculty to respect each other's rights and dignity.
• Maintaining strong school relations, discipline, and standards by encouraging students and teachers to freely express their grievances.
• Provision of effective grievance Redressal mechanisms

The GRC is an educational resource as well as a complaint redressal mechanism for the members of faculty, staff and students of the college. Its mandates are:-
• To provide a natural, confidential and supportive environment for members of the campus community who may have been sexually harassed.
• To advice complaints of means of resolution as specified by the legislation.
• To ensure fair and timely resolution of Sexual Harassment complaints.
• To provide counseling and support services on campus.
• To promote awareness about Sexual Harassment through educational initiatives that encourages and fosters a respectful and safe campus environment.
• To inform the campus community of their right to a respectful work and learning environment. It believes that if we practice, respect, exercise empathy in our interactions with others so that we do not hurt anyone through what we say or do, then we create a campus that is free of Sexual Harassment.
• To achieve these goals through Complaint Redressal, as per the Sexual Harassment at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act.2013. Appropriate action will be taken in case a complaint is filed.