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Procedure of Committee

The institute will take the following measures for prevention of ragging at the campus.
• Step-1 :- The advertisement issued for admission by University shall clearly mention that ragging is totally banned and anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging is liable to be punished.
• Step-2 :- The ‘Prospectus’ and other admission related documents shall contain directions of the Supreme Court Affiliating University/admission Authority/State Govt/Central Govt. shall make it mandatory for the institutions under their jurisdiction to compulsorily incorporate such information in their ‘Prospectus’. These Regulations shall be printed in the brochure of admission/instruction booklet for candidates.
• Step-3 :- The application form for admission/enrolment shall have a printed affidavit, preferably both in English and Hindi and/or in one of the regional languages. The affidavit should be filled up and signed by the candidate to the effect that he/she is aware of the law regarding prohibition of ragging as well as the punishments, and that he/she, if found guilty of the offence of ragging and/or abetting ragging, is liable to be punished appropriately.
• Step-4 :- The application form shall also contain a printed affidavit, preferably both in English and Hindi and/or in one of the regional languages and the affidavit should be signed by the parent/guardian of the applicant to the effect that he/she is also aware of the law in this regard and agrees to abide by the punishment meted out to his/her ward in case the latter is found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging.
• Step-5 :- The application for admission shall be accompanied by a document along with the School Leaving Certificate/Character Certificate which shall include a report on the behavioral patter of the applicant, so that the institution can thereafter keep intense watch upon the student who has a negative entry in this regard.
• Step-6 :- A student seeking admission to the hostel shall have to submit another affidavit along with his/her application for hostel accommodation that he/she is also aware of the law in this regard and agrees to abide by the punishments meted out if he/she is found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging.
• Step-7 :- The school of physiotherapy shall maintain a proper record of the affidavits obtained to ensure its safe up keep there of including digital copies of the affidavits
• Step-8 :- Each batch of freshers should be divided into small groups and each such group shall be assigned to a member of staff. Such staff member should interact individually with each member of the group on daily basis to ascertain the problems/difficulties, if any faced by the freshers in the Institution and extend necessary help.
• Step-9 :- In case of freshers admitted to a Hostel it shall be the responsibility of the teacher incharge of the group to co-ordinate with the warden of the Hostel and to make surprise visits to the rooms in the hostel where the members of the group are lodged. Freshers should be lodged in a separate hostel block wherever possible and where such facilities are not available, the college/institution shall ensure that seniors’ access to freshers’ accommodation is strictly monitored by wardens, Security Guards and Staff.