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Duties & Responsibilities of School

• Ensure that there are written agreements which delineate the functions and responsibilities of the affiliating agency, practice mentor, nursing program, and student.

• Inform the student about the clinical practice experience and objectives. 3. Provide the mentor with an orientation to the philosophy, curriculum, course, and practice experience objectives. 4. Assume overall responsibility for teaching and evaluation of the student. 5. Assure student compliance with School of Nursing Health Requirements and RN licensure. 6. Collaborate with the mentor to ensure appropriate oversight of the practice experience in order to monitor and evaluate the learning experience. 7. Provide contact information to mentor and student for consultation. 8. Receive feedback from the mentor regarding student performance. 9. Complete student evaluation of the practice experience

II. Student supportive services:

1. SNA activities and student governance: Holistic development of the students: in shaping our students’ attitudes and preparing them to behave in a certain manner in defined situation. The Institute helps to supply the students with instruments by which they can realize their social goals. These goals and values are defined by the system of education prevalent in our society and based on INC principles and code of conduct. We help transmit our cultural values to the next generation. During the process of teaching, the teachers while teaching learn the socio-cultural norms themselves. They themselves are socialized first in the cultural ways of life. While teaching, they add their own experiences in the knowledge that they received from their parents and teachers. They do not transmit the same without change. By adding their experiences, they make knowledge up-to-date and according to the requirements of the society. They, by transmitting the new knowledge, educate the new generation and thus bring social change. They carry out various celebrations and activities for holistic development. They are a part of various committees.
2. We develop scientific temper in our students. The most important example in this regard is the study of science that is transmitted to next generation with changes that take place after research.
3. Our Educational institutions helps create social organization in society by harmonizing the attitudes, ideas, habits, customs, emotions and sentiments of the students. They develop homogeneity by developing general laws of social life. Different social groups are organized together by cooperation on common principles found in educational institutions. They can, thus, pave the way for social integration.
4. Career counsellingThe School provides methods and ways to acquire information on various aspects of cracking and interview efficiently.
5. Networking training and events: Organization of international conferences, webinars and seminars: the interactions and gatherings that are organized in educational institutions can support individuals in developing their personalities as well. By coming into contact with the people of different backgrounds and nature and different educational experiences, the students are able to add much in their knowledge and understanding, which they can use in their personality development. The same experiences can help them in living a positive life in other institutions, like family and society.
6. There is plenty of room for research and creativity. Online LMS, Medical School library and University Simulation lab for immersive experiences. There is counselling and mentor-mentee services.
7. Maintaining ragging-free environment, the students are discouraged from using force and violence and encouraged with motivational techniques. Then there is a disparity between the public and private educational institutions. authorities are responsible to ensure that the students are provided favorable environment wherein they are not afraid to go to educational institutions and pursue their education with dedication and motivation and become responsible citizens of the country.
8. Student gym and sports facilities
9. Healthcare facilities at parent DYPH.