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Proceduer of Committee

• There shall be a Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Board to plan the academic courses, research programmes, interdisciplinary activities, interaction with outside agencies for training, extension and research, and to monitor from time to time the implementation of the programmes and activities formulated by it.
• Seven members shall form the quorum for a meeting of the Board. No quorum shall be necessary for the adjourned meeting.
• The Planning, monitoring and Evaluation Board shall consist of the following members, namely:
The Vice-Chancellor, who shall be the chairman;
The Registrar;
The Registrar (Evaluation)
Two senior most Deans of the Faculties by rotation for a period of one year as recommended by the Vice-Chancellor;
Two senior most Professors nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, for a term of two years;
One expert who is an educationist with rich experience of teaching and Research and educational administration nominated by the State Government for a term of two years.
One officer of the State Government in the Planning Department not below the rank of a Deputy Secretary or a Joint Director of Planning, nominated by the State Government.
Two representatives from industry and trade ordinarily residing within the University area nominated by the State Government for a term of Two years;
The Director of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Board shall be the Member Secretary.
• The Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Board shall meet at least once in three months.
• Every resolution of the Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Board shall be placed before the Academic Council and Syndicate for consideration and taking action thereon.