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Graduate Attributes

The Faculty of Law prepares its graduates to:
1. Have a specialised and contextualised understanding of core legal principles, important legal concepts, and law reform processes.
2. Communicate effectively and accurately in written and oral settings.
3. Manifest a commitment to justice.
4. Exhibit well-developed skills in legal research and analysis.
5. Demonstrate, in the context of legal studies, intellectual autonomy, critical thinking, independence of thought, openness to new ideas, and a capacity to manage their own learning.
6. Exhibit an understanding of law in its international context.
7. Manifest a commitment to justice.
8. Demonstrate an appreciation of the ethical obligations that accompany the application and development of the law.
9. Work collaboratively, cooperatively, independently, and ethically.
10. Contemplative, mindful and display emotional intelligence to stand up to uncertainty, crisis and protect rights to secure justice by alternative dispute resolution methods and court based advocacy such as public interest lawyering.
11. Legal Thinking and application towards creative, critical and problem solving and dispute resolution; in researching, Identifying and applying legal principles to complex business, governance and interdisciplinary context