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List of Documents

Application forms for five year degree course are available & can be obtained from college administrative office. These forms are to be duly filled and must be submitted to college office. Admission is based on the academic performance at the previous examination, merit. Students are required to take admission in person by submitting
following certificates with application form.

1. Original Passing certificate of qualifying examination from the University and 2 attested true copies of each
2. Original statement of marks of the qualifying examinations along with documents indicating the date of birth for e.g. school leaving certificate and two photo copies attested.
3. Five recent passport size photographs.
4. Birth Certificate / Domicile.
5. In case of student migrating from another University, along with the migration certificate a provisional eligibility from Mumbai University is required.
6. In case married female students they should produce attested photocopy of marriage. Certificate in case of change of name they should produce an affidavit copy of Govt Gazette.
7. At the time of admissions every student must undertake to attend a minimum 75 % of total number of lectures held during each semester as per University regulations.
8. Application form for admission duly completed in all details and accompanied by requisite certificate address to the principle along with prescribed fees should reach before the stipulated date.