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Proceduer of Committee

• After announcement of form fill-up by the university the student will fill up the form who are not detained for the exam and the detained list will be given by the HOD of each dept. to the exam cell.
• Put the time table of semester end exam on the notice board of each dept. and on the exam cell.
• Exam cell correspond with the university about the number of answer scripts, additional sheet, envelop(inner/outer), top sheet, attendance sheet, mark folio required for the exam before one week of commencement of exam.
• Officer in charge of the examination will Contact with the external examiner appointed for the exam by the university.
• Prepare the first aid box and other material like envelope, sealing wax, stapler, thread, cello tap etc.
• Make sure that how many regular and arrear students are appearing for exam and according to that prepare the seat plane and attendance sheet.
• Prepare the invigilation duty for the exam and take the signature of the invigilator before the exam.
• Distribute the admit card after receiving from university to the candidate.
• The question paper sent by the university are kept in the custody of nearest police station of the college by an authorized person authorized by exam cell. The authorized person will bring the question paper from police station before half an hour of the commencement of exam and submit to the officer in charge of the exam.
• After completion of each day exam the packets of answer scripts are sent to the zonal officer of the examination. Within the packets one top sheet, attendance sheet, two question paper has to be given and one top sheet is pasted on the envelope and address of the zonal officer is written on the envelope. After that the packet is sealed by sealing wax.