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Role of School

School of law have a sound management system which involves the participation of various stakeholders, including teachers and parents etc. The school management also establish a good management culture to facilitate the professional development of teachers and create a harmonious school atmosphere. Schools of law also formulate reasonable objectives and provide students with a proper learning environment. We offer students balanced learning opportunities in the five aspects of development, i.e. moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic as well as nurture them to be responsible citizens. Finally, school of law should be self-directed, flexible and seek for continuous improvement and development in order to meet the needs of the community.

• Oversee day-to-day school operations
• Manage school logistics and budgets
• Set learning goals for students and teachers based on national curricula
• Monitor and report on teacher performance
• Present data from school performance to board members
• Research new resources and techniques to improve teaching
• Interview and hire school personnel
• Review and implement school policies
• Provide guidance and counseling to teachers
• Handle emergencies and school crises
• Organize school events and assemblies
• Ensure a safe and clean environment for students (e.g. implementing hygiene rules)
• Attend conferences to gain knowledge on current educational trends