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Tour De Spain

Cordoba an ancient city of Southern Spain unfolds its charm with orange trees and stone paved roads. The stone paved roads ought to be confusing but never fails to amuse as one wanders around.
Its skyline is reflected upon by the yellow sandstone depicting the olden times. Its sophisticated culture is truly experienced as and one reaches the main attraction point of the city LE MEQUITA. The shift from the Byzantine synagogue to Catholic church truly reflects the renaissance period.
The city is also known to be one of the shooting sets of the famous series “GAME OF THRONES” thus acting as natural set indeed. THE LLADRO factory in Valencia gives one a jaw drop experience with its best quality of detailed porcelain products.

In Valencia lies the CITY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES an urban center for culture and science developed by Santiago Calatrava leaving everyone with a great deal of amusement. The complex has five Main elements devoted to scientific and cultural dissemination. The use of monochromatic whiteness by architect truly leaves a sense of unison among the structures


As our journey continued in one of the youngest and modern countries of the world, our next destination was to the city of great historical, cultural and monumental value, Cordoba. We got flabbergasted by the beauty of the old buildings, as we walked through the streets to get to a local restaurant for lunch. As we moved through the confusing, maze-like streets, I peeked in to several houses and got to see the beautiful mosaic flooring of the inner courtyards.
After lunch we were escorted by two guides who walked us down to the main attraction point of the city, La Mezquita. La Mezquita, a structure so rigid to withstand the changing era and culture of the place. It is a major historical place with its church still in use.
The tour of the city got even more exciting when the guides informed us about a popular television series “Game Of Thrones” being shot in the very streets where we were walking. Cordoba was magnificent which left many of us astounded. A city with less hassle and more of harmonious surrounding.

The first day in Barcelona, also known as the city of world famous architect Antoní Gaudi, started in Park Güell and a visit to one of the most important ongoing construction project of La Sagrada Familia. The church, based on the concept of modernism, has a not so heavily decorated, clean cut, simple and sharply edged structural appearance and is considered to be the most important church for Roman Catholics with the largest height of 172 metres. According to Gaudi, the temple as a whole, as well as being a place for divine worship, well artistically represents the truths of religion and the glorification of God and His saints.
The city of Seville stands capital of southern Spain Anadalucia with most enigmatic and magnificent monuments. Prior we visited Plaza de Espana located in Maria Louisa Park. It’s a marvellous semicircular palace and it’s colonnade style reflects the beauty of that place. The canal also adds a n equity to the place.

Cathedral of Santa Maria de la Sede also known as tomb of Christopher Columbus. The cathedral itself is second largest in the world having a unique gothic style . Every fascade has different doors like north fascade has door of conception etc. The Giralda bell tower is the most elegant structure of the cathedral is 34 sloping ramps high but the view from up is breathtaking. Metropole Parasol is the largest wooden structure in the world consisting of six parasols in the form of giant mushrooms it’s is about 26 metres high. The design inspired by the vaults of cathedral of Seville .