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1. To Enrich learning processes.

Give full insight of the subject in detail to students and how to study it. In addition to the class room teaching, call for expert guest related to a specific topic to give the in-depth knowledge wherein live projects are discussed with the students. If needed take the students to site for the practical experience. Some of the highlights are as follows :-

  • Focus on overall developing of student capability as per the requirements of the profession.
  • To encourage hands on working experience in studios.
  • To encourage hands on working experience in studios.
  • To encourage interaction with professionals from diverse fields.
  • Encourage students and faculties to participate in various Architectural competitions.
  • Increase interaction between professional bodies.
  • Streamline submission system through Academic Calendar.
  • 2. Encourage Leadership qualities in students, which is required to establish own practice.

    Continue with the students council where we have students heads for all the various committees formed. Encourage students to lead the events by coordinating with the students in the college, various organisations in the industry and students of the other colleges. Encourage students to assist faculties during the excursion trips.

  • To have extra co-curricular activities managed by students.
  • Have field visits, for exposure of the profession.
  • 3. Promote research among faculties and students.

    In the subject of Research Methodology we provide training to the students explaining how to take up research project which will help them in their final year Dissertation.

  • Encourage faculty members to undertake Architectural research and write papers.
  • Embed research-oriented courses in the curriculum.
  • 4. Promote Formation of Design Cell in School.

  • Take up live design projects.
  • Present design solutions to existing issues in the society.
  • 5. Enhance academia industry interface.

  • Organize various activities for extending relations with industries.
  • Sign MOU with organizations/corporate/industry to exchange the knowledge and expertise in relation to Architecture.
  • 6. Establish Linkages with Alumni.

  • Foster ties with Alumni.
  • Involve Alumni in school activities.