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Duties & Responsibility of Committee Members

Preparation of academic manual, rules, guidelines and academic formats
Conducting meetings regularly to plan and monitor the academic processes defined in the manual
Timely release of formats to all academic departments
Continuous monitoring of academics
Informing non-conformities to heads of departments and principal regularly & Proposing corrective measures
Preparation of minutes of meeting and circulating to concerned persons:
Attending meetings conducted by the co-coordinator of the committee.
Assisting the coordinator of the committee in preparation of manuals, guidelines and formats.
Customising the central formats for their respective departments
Monitoring of academic process of departments at specified intervals
Maintaining absentee report and daily class conduction report of all classes of department
Reporting the monitoring status to coordinator of the committee
Submission of academic calendars, time tables to coordinator of the committee at least one week prior to start of semester
Ensuring the presence of non participating students of any workshops /seminars in lectures /studios
Daily monitoring of attendance of students of all classes, sending messages to parents of defaulter students and reporting about students with very less attendance to head of department .