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“Brick as a Building Material” was introduced to the first year students in the Building Construction Studio in this semester as part of the curriculum. The studio started with a series of lecture sessions to understand the properties of brick as a building material, manufacturing process, various tests conducted and its usability in construction.

Lecture sessions were followed by a Workshop on Bricks, conducted at the School of Architecture for the students to get a better understanding of the material.
Students made hand moulded scaled bricks that were sun dried and burnt. Students were then divided into groups to make various building elements like walls, piers, foundation, arches etc using these bricks. Students were exposed to the various tools and equipments required for brick masonry work.

The hands on experience provided an opportunity to the students to explore the various possibilities of the usage of the material. The workshop was concluded with a discussion on the major learnings from the workshop and the effective usage of brick as building material.