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Duties & Responsibility of Committee Members

  • To direct the student's research project and submit a grade of Successful Unsuccessful progress at the end of each term of enrolment.
  • To inform the student of all deadlines and milestones in the process, and make sure that the student understands all University policies related to the completion of a thesis.
  • Scheduled committee meetings so that committee members stay informed of the student's progress.
  • To read and evaluate the writing quality of drafts, intervening as early as possible with students in need of additional assistance.
  • To make sure that the student incorporates all revisions, corrections, and suggestions.
  • To provide ideas, suggesting additional or new avenues of research.
  • Read and evaluate preliminary drafts as necessary.
  • Read and evaluate the final draft.
  • Providing the resources to the HODs and research faculty available in the R&D Centres.
  • Interacting with the HODs in fixing the focus areas of the research and consultancy assignments opted by the faculty, breaking the research areas into modules and modules into mini projects, major projects.
  • Developing a research plan based on the proposals of each of the faculty and the Dean.