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Celebration of World Pharmacist Day

DY Patil Deemed to be University School of Pharmacy, Navi Mumbai Celebration of World Pharmacist Day

DY Patil, Deemed to be University School of Pharmacy celebrated World Pharmacist Day in a unique way by recognizing the dedicated and devoted services of community Pharmacists. All the students and staff members participated in this activity where they felicitated the Pharmacist by sharing a felicitation card and a rose. Also, community Pharmacists working at the D Y Patil Hospital were felicitated and appreciated for their dedicated work. Dr. V R Badhwar, Ex. Dean Dr. D Y Patil Medical College was invited as a guest for the celebration. Dr. Rakesh Somani, the Principal, motivated Pharmacists to continue dedicated work and highlighted the key role of community Pharmacists. Dr. V R Badhwar, during her speech, shared practical experience stating how Pharmacist plays a key role in community services. The eight best performers were awarded and appreciated with appreciation certificates for dedicated services. The day was celebrated by cake cutting. Total 94 pharmacists across different regions of Mumbai and Navi Mumbai were felicitated. The event was coordinated by Mr. Pravin Naik, Asst. Prof in Pharm. Chem. and student council