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Procedures of Committee

Depending on the nature of the required goods, the quantity & value involved and the period of supply, the purchase organization is to decide theappropriate mode of purchase. The various modes of purchase to be adoptedfor this purpose are indicated in the subsequent paragraphs.
Need assessment/Demand generation by the departments and submission of demand notes to the administration office. Scrutiny of demand notes by the committee and qualified notes approved by the chairman and procurement manager. Further the note is sent for the approval of the appropriate authority. Call for quotations and demonstration of the item/equipment. Comparative statement put up in agenda of committee meeting. After the committee approves the final quotation after understanding the comparative statement it is further send to appropriate authority for final approval. After final approval is received, order is placed.

Receipt of the equipment /Item by the department and installation of the equipment. Once the equipment is installed an inspection is carried out by the committee. Release of the payment to the vender as per tender terms and conditions.