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Procedure of the Functioning

1) Formation of committee: The members of the committee shall be selected by the Principal and the administration committee at the start of the academic year. Student alumni members will be selected by core committee. The member signatories of the committee selected are as described in the Societies Registration Act, 1860 and rules framed there under.
2) Registration: The Committee will be registered.
3) Accountability, Compliance and Reporting:

  • Alumni committee members will report directly to the Chairperson of the Alumni Committee and further to the Head-Alumni relations, if required.
  • They will maintain and update the alumni co-ordinators of the institute’s alumni commitee and will share it periodically with the Head-Alumni relations
  • Alumni committee member/s will represent the association for all official meetings.
  • Communication will be in written and verbal forms, whichever is more appropriate.

4) Organization of alumni events and activities :

  • Organization of alumni events and activities to provide a forum for exchange of ideas on academic, cultural and social issues with the aid and support of Head – Alumni Relations and coordinating with Alumni. These activities will be conducted at the Institute.
  • To promote a sustained sense of belonging to the Almamater among the alumni by being in regular contact with them and arranging get together activities.

5) Maintaining accounts :
Open a bank account with a PAN card for the association after passing the resolution. Maintain an internal audit for all alumni activities
Alumni membership- All the passed out students have to pay one time nominal alumni membership fees as per the institute norms.
Raising funds, arranging for donations
6) Documentation :
Details of Alumni- The contact information relevant to the alumni is managed on a centralized database. This information is treated confidentially and regularly updated. To maintain a record of the achievements/activities/contributions of their alumni on a regular basis and share it with the Head- Alumni relations.