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Industrial Visit and Training

The Dr. Ganesh Deshmukh and Mr.Pravin Jagtap from D Y Patil School of Pharmacy has attended industrial visit and training arranged by Sunsai Pharma equipment limited, Vasai and VivaTest Research & Development Pvt. Ltd. at Vasai on on 7th March 2022. The Mr. Meghant Bhate, Managing director, Susai Pharma equipment limited had shown various pharma equipment manufacturing in their workshop and working of viz. Fluid bed dryer, Granualation mixer, extrusion spheronisation, tablet coater etc. While Mr. Analesh Desai, Managing director, VivaTest Research & Development Pvt. Ltd. at Vasai, showed the lab where tablet production, IPQC, analysis etc is done as per the industry requirement. The training was fruitful in terms of actual industrial application of theoretical concepts. it helped to understand industrial operation more clearly.