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Duties and Responsibilities

1. The Examination Committee shall ensure proper performance of the various duties in conductingexaminations viz. paper setting, time table preparation, assessment and declaration of results.
2. The examination Committee shall prepare the detailed time table of examinations for every semester and uploadit on website, School’s Notice board and LMS dashboard with prior approval of Director.
3. The Examination Committee shall ensure smooth and organized conduct of examination by following means:
i) The Examination Committee shall prepare the detailed time table of examinations for every semester.
ii) Appointing paper setters and evaluators for all exams including theory as well as practical well in advance.
iii) Strict vigilance during exam.
iv) In case of any complaint regarding exam, the disciplinary actions recommended by Redressal Committee will be endorsed by examination committee.
4. The Examination Committee shall prepare the exam budget for every academic year.
5. The members of Examination Committee shall meet at least 4 times during the academic year and at othertimes as and when necessary.
6. The various formats shall be prepared by Examination Committee for record keeping and monitoring allexamination related activities.
7. Coordinator of Examinationsand a team carry out thefollowing activities during Continuous Evaluation / Internal Assessment &Semester End Examinations.
i. Issuing Appointment Letters for Paper Setting, Assessment of paper setting and Printing.
ii. ConductingTheory Examinations.
iii. Issuing Appointment Letters forProject/Dissertation.
iv. Coordination of assessment of answer books.
v. Preparation and declaration of provisional grades.
vi. Preparation and declaration of final results.
vii. Issue of transcripts, provisional passing certificate, mark list, preparation of exam calendar, appointments of examiners.