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Duties & Responsibilities of Non-Teaching

1) Office Superintendent
Office Superintendent shall regulate the work and conduct of the staff in accordance with the Act, Statutes, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations. It shall be the duty of the Office Superintendent to assess and evaluate the performance of Non-Teaching employees and sections and take such measures as he/ She deems fit to regularise and to improve the working of the College.
1. The Office Superintendent shall have the power to issue warnings, reprimands, memos to the non-teaching employees subject to the approval of the Principal.
2. The Office Superintendent shall be the custodian of the records, the commons seal and such other property of the College as the Principal may commit to his charge.
3. The Office Superintendent shall keep the Minutes of all the meetings, and records of such meetings attended by him / her as ex-officio member- secretary.
4. The Office Superintendent shall co-ordinate the work in the college amongst the teaching and the non-teaching staff.
5. The Office Superintendent shall bring to the notice of the Principal any of the act of the staff or the students, if prejudicial to the college and/ or is not in the interest of the institution/ College.
6. The Office Superintendent shall maintain the enquiry service for students, staff and also for visitors to the college regarding courses, being conducted, examination and admission rules and such other allied matters of important nature.
7. The Office Superintendent shall sign letters issued from the College Office of routine nature.
8. The Office Superintendent shall watch over the work of college affiliation, staff recognition and follow procedure for appointments. He shall also watch Accounts, Audit, assessment work of Maintenance and other Grants and to keep the check on Accounts of the College.
9. The Office Superintendent shall look after the Examination work (College/ Board/ University) and shall ensure for the smooth conduct of the examination and prepare necessary work distribution chart in this connection.
10. The Office Superintendent shall be in-charge of the College office and shall be personally responsible for the smooth conduct and working, for the allotment of work to this subordinates who shall be directly responsible to him/her with the prior approval of Principal.
11. He/ She shall convene the regular meeting of the office staff and laboratory assistants and shall determine the time dimensions of each of the tasks assigned and supervise the overall working as per the prescribed norms, if any.
12. He/ She shall inspect attendance register of the non-teaching staff and take such action as he/ she may deem fit in case of habitual late comers or those who habitually remain absent, by issuing warnings in writing and recommending to the Principal to take the disciplinary action, in case, the same employee shows no improvement.
13. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to maintain cordial public relations and to attend to the queries of the members of the public and students and supply information through Principal to Government, University, University Grants Commission, Managements and superior authorities as per requirements. It shall also be the duty to help the members of the public to solve their difficulties concerning office to entertain complaints, if any, against the staff subordinate to him, in the college.
14. He/ She shall carry out the duties and responsibilities in a just manner without any discrimination and motivate his staff to take their work seriously and willingly and shall pay personal attention to their welfare.
15. He/ She shall be responsible for the work of the highly confidential nature that may be undertaken by his section. He/ She shall be responsible for preserving of the documents, etc. concerning his section.
16. The Superintendent shall personally look into the court cases concerning the college and obtain orders from Principal whenever necessary. The Superintendent shall mark and distribute the letters in the names of dealing Assistant or to Heads of Departments in the College. He shall exercise check and follow up letters received from the Government, University Grant Commission, University, Management etc.
17. He/ She shall draft notes and deal independently cases which are of routine nature. He shall also draft notes, essentially with reference to relevant rules, regulations, precedence and
18. Implications etc. or special cases and submit to higher authority i.e. Principal and give interim replies.
19. The Superintendent shall point out mistakes or mis-statements, if any, and draw attention wherever necessary to the Statutory or customary practice and point out rules where they are concerned.
20. The Superintendent shall scrutinise notes or cases submitted by the lower staff, put his own remarks or suggestions, if any and submit the same to the Principal.
21. The Office Superintendent shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as are prescribed or are required from time to time by the Principal of the College and Management of the Society.

1) Personal Assistant:
1. The Personal Assistant shall be responsible to the Principal.
2. He/ She shall be responsible for Principal’s personal correspondence, appointments, engagements etc., other than normal office duties.
3. He/ She shall perform the duties and responsibilities assigned to him by the Principal from time to time.
4. He/ She shall maintain programme sheets of Principal, prepare drafts of meeting and correspondence of routine nature. He shall organise plan and follow tour programme of Principal.
5. He/ She shall maintain the confidential and other files as per requirements and make suitable arrangement for the safe custody.
6. He/ She shall sort out the mail and despatch it promptly to the relevant section.
7. He/ She shall issue reminders etc. in respect of such cases, where the Principal has called for information/ date or has suggested or ordered immediate action in any of the cases. He / She shall maintain absolute confidentiality and integrity in respect of the work assigned to him/ her.
8. Any other work assigned from time to time by Principal.

2) Admin Clerk
1. To enter the mail and letters and inter-departmental correspondence / files etc. letters, documents etc. addresses to Principal by name will be received by the officers themselves or through P.A’s Stenographers / Secretaries.
2. To acknowledge letter received.
3. To submit dak to the Section Officer/ Assistant Section officer daily, despatch and watch every entry in the register bearing the initials of the recipients of the letter / documents etc.
4. To prepare list of letters issued during a fortnight to which replies have not been received and for which reminders are required to be sent.
5. To send relevant extracts or any part or a receipt, through Superintendent to the Section, branch concerned for remarks and / or necessary action.
6. To open and maintain service-book / new file(s) note book(s), do copying work/rubber stamping and to attend to all types of administrative / clerical work.
7. To maintain different registers, forms etc.
8. To keep a note-book to watch timely disposal of Urgent papers.
9. To collect the relevant material required for taking action on a receipt viz. file on the subject, if one already exists, other papers/ files, if any, refer to any receipt and any other relevant material etc.
10. To supply other relevant facts and figures and also papers pertaining to previous decisions of policy.
11. To prepare routine letters/ replies for approval where noting is not required issue reminders.
12. To maintain daily work sheet, and to submit weekly arrears report to the Section Officer and / or Assistant Section Officer.
13. To prepare monthly arrears report and submit it to the assistant Section Officer and / or Section officer for perusal and guidance / instructions.
14. Any other work assigned from time to time by Principal.

3) Accountant
1. To maintain various books of accounts such as ledger, salary registrar, income tax registers.
2. To ensure filling of vouchers and papers.
3. To prepare bills for payment.
4. To file various returns.
5. Any other work assigned from time to time by Principal.

4) Examination Clark
1. Arrangement of blocks as per instructions given by Examination In-charge
2. Holding of stock of stationery required for examination and supplying the same day-to-day to Senior supervisor of the examination
3. Follow up of Question Paper and Evaluated Answer Sheets of examination
4. Follow up with the University for Results, Revaluation results & other correspondence with the University.
5. Timely submission of examinations forms submitted by students.
6. Maintenance of Register and Records of examination.
7. Making of Results and Mark sheets in co-ordination with Examination co-ordinator
8. To maintain confidentiality of all examination records
9. Any other duties assigned by Principal & Examination In-charge

5) Laboratory Technicians / Assistant
1. To assist students and teachers in conducting practical’s and experiments.
2. To maintain dead stock register and register of consumable material and to undertake physical stock verification of laboratory materials.
3. To assist the Incharge of Laboratory in purchase and procurement of laboratory materials.
4. To supervise the work of Laboratory attendants working under him.
5. To assist the Incharge of laboratory in routine administrative matters and to ensure that the laboratory facilities are not misused by any person.
6. To report about breakage/losses in laboratory, to his superiors.
7. To report to In charge of Laboratory about misbehaviour inside the laboratory.
8. To ensure that all the cupboards, doors, windows and gates are properly closed by the Laboratory attendants.
9. To attend to such other duties as may be specially brought to his notice, with the approval of the head of the Department.
10. Any other work assigned from time to time by Principal.

6) Laboratory Attendants
1. To clean laboratory and to keep laboratory materials including apparatus and equipments in proper place.
2. To render physical assistance to Students, Teachers and other Laboratory Staff in movement of Laboratory equipment, instruments, chemical and other materials within and outside the laboratory.
3. To assist Laboratory Assistant and other Laboratory staff in physical stock verification of laboratory equipment, instruments, chemical and other materials.
4. To render Physical assistance to students and teachers in conducting practical’s and experiments.
5. To report about loss of laboratory equipment and other materials to his superiors.
6. To open and to lock cupboards, doors, windows and a gates of laboratory.
7. To attend to delivery of letters connected with laboratory and its staff.
8. To attend to such other duties which are assigned to him by the laboratory staff, with the approval of In charge of the Laboratory.
9. Any other work assigned from time to time by Principal.

7) Peons
1. To open windows etc. in morning and switch on fans and lights and closing to close the same, when not required.
2. Do dusting of Office furniture, machines, files, table equipment, switch on light and fans and switch them off when not required remove and replace covers of machines, filling up inkpots.
3. Do the work of opening, pasting and sorting and arranging papers and circulars in accordance with Instructions of the Seniors, and also do the work of sticking agenda and minutes of meeting according to instructions.
4. Do the work of affixing stamps, sticking and sealing envelops or wrappers, packing up of parcels.
5. Carry messages, papers, registers, files, circulars, bags, portable size etc., from one place to another inside and outside as the case may be.
6. Carry out any other work of similar nature which the Officer incharge/ Principal / Office Superintendent, may instruct.
7. Serve drinking water to employees and to visitors, when required.
8. Dispatch letters including letters by hand delivery (all peons getting bank duty allowances shall take cash / cheques etc. to banks, as per instructions.)
9. Any other work as may be assigned to him by the concerned officer / Principal from time to time.
10. Peon-cum-Hamal shall also have to attend to the duties assigned to Hamals.

Sweeping, cleaning rooms and furniture’s and electrical fittings like fans and lights and shifting records, binding in bundles, furniture etc. as per needs. Any other work as may be assigned to him by the concerned officerfrom time to time. Hamal-cum-Peon shall also have to attend to the duties assigned to peon.

Sweeping and cleaning the Lavatories, Latrines, floors in the building and College premises and any other office work related to cleaning as assigned by the Officer. Any other work as may be assigned to him by the concerned officer from time to time.

The Library Assistants are responsible to Assistant Librarian and the Librarian.
- Issue and receiving of books.
- Restoring the books and periodicals.
- Any other work assigned from time to time by Principal.