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Two Days International Conference on Advances in Pharmaceutical Medicinal Chemistry 2022 (APMC-2022)

The first International Conference on Advances in Pharmaceutical Medicinal Chemistry 2022 (APMC-2022) was conducted on 21st and 22nd April 2022 in online mode from 10 am to 5 pm Indian Standard Time.
The conference was organized under the pratronage of Dr. Vijay D. Patil and Mrs. Shivani V. Patil by the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of DYPUSOP.
Prof. Dr. Rakesh Somani, Principal DYPUSOP convened the conference and it was coordinated by Dr. Harish Kundaikar, Associate Professor and HoD of Pharmaceutical Chemistry alongwith the organizing team comprising of Organizing Team: Dr. Sonali Sonulkar, Associate Professor - Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Mr. Pratip Chaskar, Assistant Professor - Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Mr. Amey Deshpande, Assistant Professor - Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Mr. Pravin Naik, Assistant Professor - Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Mr. Aditya Ghuge – Assistant Professor - Department of Pharmaceutics.
The conference received registrations from 1474 national and international delegates from India, Italy, Mexico, US and several countries across the globe.

The resource persons were a mix of 10 internationally renowned speakers comprising of 6 international and 4 Indian speakers as follows:
International Speakers:
1) Prof. Alexander Hillisch

VP, Head of Computational Molecular Design, Bayer AG, Pharmaceuticals R&D,
Wuppertal, Germany

2) Prof. Alex MacKerell
Grollman-Glick Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Director- Computer-Aided Drug Design Center,
University of Maryland, USA

3) Prof. Zhe-Sheng (Jason) Chen
Director and Professor,
St. John's University,
Queens County,
New York, USA

4) Prof. José L. Medina-Franco
DIFACQUIM Research Group, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM),
Mexico City, Mexico

5) Dr. Andrea Astolfi
Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
In silico Drug Discovery laboratory (I2D-Lab),
Perugia, Italy

6) Dr. Antima Gupta,
Application Scientist
CDD Vault,
Collaborative Drug Discovery Inc.
London, UK

Indian Speakers:
7) Prof. Prasad V. Bharatam

Professor in Medicinal Chemistry
NIPER Mohali,
Punjab, India

8) Prof. Suneela Dhaneshwar Director- Amity Institute of Pharmacy,
Amity University,
Lucknow, India

9) Charitra Gour
Manager Technical Consulting,
Scube Scientific Software Solutions,
(for ChemDraw, PerkinElmer Informatics)
New Delhi, India
10) Prof. Mariam S. Degani
Sir Dorabjee Tata Professor in Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Institute of Chemical Technology Mumbai, India

The Certificates of Appreciation (as E-certificates, Hard Copies) were given to the speakers and organizing team whereas E-certificates were given to the delegates attending the conference.