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About the Committee

Research is a pursuit integral to progress in any society. Its creative potential is immense and has been instrumental in bringing about constructive change in societies in innumerable ways. Research, as an organised and systematic, exercise has been contributing to bring humanity closer to relevant knowledge that meaningfully benefits the society. D.Y.Patil Deemed To Be University, as a premier institute of higher learning, is committed to cultivating a meaningful research environment and expanding its benefit to society. The University has institutionalised a Research Committee to specifically focus on the area of research. The University Research Committee is the faculty’s voice to the research administration. The committee evaluates and advises on research-related issues and helps to identify emerging areas of interest or concern. Standard research activities generate new knowledge and skills, besides update existing ones. We can bring a shift in the paradigm from teacher-fuelled learning to students-initiated research and book based learning, to students creating their own meaning.